D4D or Data warehouse for Danube waterway is an Inter reg III B CADSES within the scope of the GIS Forum Danube.
D4D will ensure a single and internationally harmonised implementation of European directives and standards in close cooperation with the Danube Commission and other international platforms relevant to the waterway transportation.

The implementation of an intensive cross-border exchange of geo-related data shall enable an aligned administration of common border sections of the Danube and a coordinated generation of digital nautical charts for the inland navigation.


Furthermore, the availability of an exact positioning signal shall provide a basis for the fast implementation and start-up of River Information Services according to the European concept.

The creation of digital charts and the set-up of the infrastructure of differential positioning systems ensure the implementation of River Information Services (RIS).

RIS have been established within EU technology projects and national research initiatives and contain telematics applications and information services for European inland navigation.
The RIS goal is to support and sustainable improve the transport and traffic management on the inland waterways as well as to provide interfaces to other modes of transport.

Establishing such services considerably contributes to transport safety and efficiency as well as to comprehensive use of inland navigation.

Project Objectives

The D4D project has the following objectives:

  • To provide a common and harmonised implementation of European and international standards on the Danube waterway and recommendations for inland navigation
  • To network national geographic information systems (GIS) and ensure an efficient exchange of electronic data between responsible waterway authorities
  • To create digital navigation charts of the Danube river in compliance with the European Inland ECDIS standard
  • To set-up an infrastructure to improve the accuracy of satellite based positioning systems, according to current international standards.

Therefore, the D4D project can be seen as the first step in fulfilling requirements of the European ministers of transport (Conference in Rotterdam in 2001) who have defined as a goal the implementation of RIS on main European waterways by the end of 2005.