List of used abbreviations:
Code | Description |
BICS | (BinnenvaartInformatie en CommunicatieSysteem) Electronic reporting system |
CCNR | Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine |
CADSES | Central Adriatic Danubian South-Eastern European Space |
CARDS | Community of Assistance for Reconstruction, Democratisation and Stabilisation |
CBC | Cross borderco-operation |
CEMT | Conference Européenne des Ministres de Transport |
CEVNI | Code Europeen des voies de la Navigation Interieure |
COMPRIS | Consortium Operational Management Platform River Information Services |
CRORIS | Croation River Information Services |
DC | DanubeCommission |
DRLWL´96 | Danube Reference Low Water Level from 1996 |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System |
DGNSS | Differential Global Navigation Satellite System |
DoRIS | Donau River Information Services |
D4D | Data Warehouse for Danube Waterway |
DTM | Digital Terrain Model |
D&E | Dissemination and Exploitation |
ECDIS | Electronical Chart Display and Information System |
ENC | Electronic Navigational Chart |
ERI | Electronic Reporting International |
ERDF | European Regional Development Fund |
FP5 | Fifth Frame Programme |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GLW | (Gleichwertiger Wasserstand) German reference low water |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
HSW | Highest Shipping Height of water |
HMI | Human-maschine-interface |
IALA | International Organisation of Maritime Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities |
INDRIS | Inland Navigation Demonstrator for River Information Services |
ISPA | Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession |
IT | Information Technology |
JTS | Joint Technical Secretariat |
LAT | Lowest Astronomical Tide |
LP | Lead Partner |
MARIS | Magyar River Information Services |
MLLWS | Mean Low Low Water Spring |
MOT | Ministry of Transport |
NAP | (NIEUW AmsterdamsPeil) Dutch gravitational reference level |
NMS | Non Member States |
NN | (Normal Null) German gravitational reference level |
NtS | Notices to Skippers |
OLR | (Overeengekomenlagerivier) Dutch reference low water |
PHARE | Poland and Hungary Action for Restructing of the Economy |
PIANC | International Navigation Association |
PIM | Personal Information Manager software |
PP | Project Partner |
RIS | River Information Services |
RNW | (Regulierungsniederwasser) Danube reference low water |
RTK | Real-Time Kinematic positioning |
R&D | Research and Development |
SENC | System Electronic Navigational Chart |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
SLOVRIS | Slovakia River Information Services |
TACIS | Transport and Energy Infrastructure in South Eastern Europe |
TEN | Trans European Network |
TEN-MIP | Multi Annual Programme for Trans European Networks |
T&T | Tracking and Tracing |
UN/ECE | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
WP | Work Package |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |